By now you've probably heard about Joel, who refused to wrestle a girl and thus had to forfeit the match.
He walked away because of his faith. He believes in respecting women and didn't feel he could do that by wrestling.
Rick Reilly, a noted ESPN columnist wrote a demeaning story ( about why Joel should have wrestled her. He says the young woman "relishes the violence" and "loathes being protected."
So, she's asking for it Rick? I didn't realize that if we decide a woman is asking to be disrespected that it's okay to do whatever we want to her, because she "deserves it" since she asked for it.
I thought we'd been trying to fight against those messages for a long time.
The world needs a whole lot more real men like Joel. He is a man who stands up for what he believes in, based on who he is, not on who other people may or may not be. Whether the young woman wanted to be respected and defended or not, Joel chose the right way based on his convictions and beliefs.
Integrity and respect mean more to Joel than a wrestling title. My mom taught me that you'll never regret being nice to people. Joel's conviction and kindness will take him a lot further than any wrestling title ever could.
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